Innovative l Caring l Accountable l Respectful l Excellent
Principal Radiologist
MBBS (Melb), BMedSci, MMed (Radiology), PGDipAnat, FRANZCR
Radiologist and Specialist in Nuclear Medicine & PET
Our locally trained radiologist, Dr Senpei Jin, has extensive clinical experience.
Dr Jin is the principal radiologist and medical director at Horizon Imaging Clinics. He completed post-graduate radiology training at Western Health.
After obtaining his medical degree at Melbourne University, he underwent internship at St Vincent’s Hospital, and residencies at the Alfred and Royal Melbourne Hospitals. He was actively involved with the Royal Australian Army Medical Corp as a reservist medical assistant during his university years, and obtained his commission as a medical officer.
Dr Jin underwent further specialist training in Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) at Lake Imaging and Monash Health. He has extensive experience in all facets of nuclear medicine and oncology imaging, as well as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
金申培医生是 Horizon Imaging Clinics 慧心医疗的首席放射科专科医生。他在 Western Health 完成了研究生放射学培训。 在墨尔本大学获得医学学位后,他在圣文森特医院实习,并在阿尔弗雷德医院和皇家墨尔本医院实习。在大学期间,他作为预备役医疗助理积极参与澳大利亚皇家陆军医疗队,并获得了医疗军官的任命。 随后金医生在 Lake Imaging 和 Monash Health 接受了核医学和正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 方面的进一步专业培训。他在核医学和肿瘤成像以及双能 X 射线吸收测定法 (DXA) 的各个方面都拥有丰富的经验。
MBBS (Hons), PgDipSurgAnat, MMed (Radiology), FRANZCR
Dr Xiao Chen is a general radiologist with subspecialty training in musculoskeletal imaging and intervention.
After completing medical school at Monash University, Dr Chen underwent internship and residency at the Alfred Hospital, before completing radiology training at Austin Hospital.
He undertook further subspecialty fellowship training in musculoskeletal imaging and intervention at VictoriaHouse Medical Imaging.
Apart from musculoskeletal imaging, he has interests in general radiology and MRI.
陈晓俊医生是Horizon Imaging Clinics 慧心医疗的放射科专科医生。 从莫纳什大学医学院毕业后,陈医生在阿尔弗雷德医院完成了实习和住院医师实习,然后在奥斯汀医院完成放射学培训。 随后他在 Victoria House 医学影像中心接受了进一步的肌肉骨骼影像,核磁共振和干预注射方面的进修培训。